To pay the required fees online, you may login in to your MQA Online Services Portal account at: and follow the steps below:
1). Go to Make Payment under the “Additional Activities” section.
2). Select the application that is pending payment of required fees.
3). Follow the prompts to submit payment by credit card.
If you are choose to pay by cashier’s check or money order please print your application summary; Make payment payable to DOH/Board of Occupational Therapy (include file# on your payment) and mail to:
DOH/Division of Medical Quality Assurance Board of Occupational Therapy Practice
PO Box 6320
Tallahassee, FL 32314-6320
If you have used an “Other Payer Code,” Please contact the institution that provided you the code to arrange payment.
If you have questions or problems while trying to submit your online payment please contact our Customer Care Center at: (850) 488-0595 or Licensure Services Unit at: (850) 245-5773.