Yes. If you do not pay NBCOT to send your scores each time you apply, we will not receive them. If you pay NBCOT to send your scores we will receive them electronically, and complete licensure usually the day scores are released. Please note, you may wait until after you receive your successful exam results and send us your NBCOT Certification number. We will attempt to verify your certification online on NBCOT’s “Verify My credentials” site. If we are able to verify we can process your licensure. Note: Receipt of the scores electronically, is usually a faster process. It is your responsibility to make sure we receive your successful score or your NBCOT Certification number to verify and complete your licensure, prior to your file expiration date.
Help Center / I failed the exam and I am reapplying to NBCOT to sit for the exam again. Must I request and pay NBCOT to send my scores again to Florida?