No more than 12 hours of home study courses are allowed per biennium. Home study education does not include a web-based, satellite transmitted or on-line instruction program that allows or requires the licensee to interact or communicate back and forth with the instructor during the presentation of the program. Home study education is independent study and requires a certificate of completion. One may take up to 12 hours of Home Study, but, you are not required to take Home Study Continuing Education hours. You may take all 26 hours of CE’s as live or as online interactive (live) courses. To find Board approved providers offering such courses, you may search in CE Broker at: Select the “Live Courses” Tab, and one of the following categories: “Broadcasted Interactive Event” or “Web Based Program”). Interactive courses must be in “real time” and allow the opportunity for interaction with presenter/host.
Help Center / What is considered as Home Study continuing education and how many hours must or may I take?