Prescription Devices (Modalities certification) FAQs

Prescription Devices (Modalities certification)

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Which modalities certifications does FL approve?

Although the Florida Board of Occupational Therapy Practice does not specify that OT’s or OTA’s must obtain a certain “set” of modality certifications; appropriate training/certification should be sought for the modalities that an OT or OTA intends to use in practice. The Board’s regulations specifically address the type of training required for an OT or OTA to use (1) Electrical Stimulation, (2) Ultrasound Devices or (3) Neurofeedback Device in practice. Those requirements are found in Rule 64B11-4.001, F.A.C., Use of Prescription Devices.

It is important to note that many courses may be Board approved courses for “continuing education credit” purposes, and given by approved providers found in the course search features in  However, for purpose of fulfilling the “modalities certification” requirements, paragraphs (1)(c), (2)(c) and (3)(c) of this Rule indicate that online courses are NOT approved for either didactic or performance training for these specific modalities.

Which modalities are required to have a specialty certification in Florida?

The Prescription Devices identified in the Florida Practice Act are: (1) Electrical Stimulation Device,  (2) Ultrasound Device and (3) Neurofeedback Device.

Are Online Courses acceptable for Certification in the Use of Prescription Devices for practice in Florida?

Many courses may be Board approved courses for “continuing education” credit purposes and found in the course search features in However, for purpose of “modalities certification” paragraphs (1)(c), (2)(c) and (3)(c) of Rule 64B11-4.001 Use of Prescription Devices indicates Online courses are NOT approved for either didactic or performance training for these specific modalities.

What are the requirements for modalities certification for use of an electrical stimulation or use of an ultrasonic stimulation device?

Rule 64B11-4.001 Use of Prescription Devices explains the training required for students, postgraduates, and licensees to qualify for the use of an electrical stimulation or an ultrasonic stimulation devices must include didactic training of at least four (4) hours for each modality and performance of at least five (5) treatments under supervision for each modality. The required training may be obtained through educational programs, workshops, or seminars offered at a college or university approved for training of occupational therapists by the American Occupational Therapy Association or of physical therapists by the American Physical Therapy Association or at clinical facilities affiliated with such accredited colleges or universities or through educational programs offered by the American Society of Hand Therapists or Florida Occupational Therapy Association. Online courses are not approved for the didactic or performance training.

Supervised treatment sessions to be conducted under the personal supervision of licensed occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants who have completed four (4) hours of coursework in the use of an electrical stimulation or an ultrasonic stimulation device and five (5) supervised treatments or licensed physical therapists and physical therapist assistants trained in the use of electrical stimulation devices. Treatment supervisors must have a minimum of 24 months prior experience in the use of electrical stimulation devices. Personal supervision means that the supervisor is in the room with the trainees and actively provides guidance and supervision of the performance treatments.

What are the requirements for modalities certification for use of a Neurofeedback Device?

For purposes of this rule, a “neurofeedback device” is any device that provides immediate feedback from a computer-based program that measures brainwave activity with the use of sound, visual and/or tactile input to cue the brain to reorganize and retrain itself.

Rule 64B11-4.001 Use of Prescription Devices in paragraph (3) explains the training required for students, postgraduates, and licensees to qualify for the use of an electrical stimulation or an ultrasonic stimulation devices must include didactic training of at least sixteen (16) hours and performance of at least five (5) treatments under supervision. The required training may be obtained through educational programs, workshops, or seminars offered at a college or university approved for training of occupational therapists by the American Occupational Therapy Association or of physical therapists by the American Physical Therapy Association or at clinical facilities affiliated with such accredited colleges or universities or educational programs offered through the American Society of Hand Therapists or Florida Occupational Therapy Association. Online courses are not approved for the didactic or performance training.

Supervised treatment sessions to be conducted under the personal supervision of licensed occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants who have completed sixteen (16) hours of coursework in the use of neurofeedback devices and five (5) supervised treatments, licensed physical therapists and physical therapist assistants who have completed sixteen(16) hours of coursework in the use of neurofeedback devices and five (5) supervised treatments, medical doctors trained in the use of neurofeedback devices, psychologists trained in the use of neurofeedback devices, or other licensed healthcare professionals trained in the use of neurofeedback devices. Treatment supervisors must have a minimum of 24 months prior experience in the use of neurofeedback devices. Personal supervision means that the supervisor is in the room with the trainees and actively provides guidance and supervision of the performance treatments.

May I use modalities certifications to practice modalities obtained in another state to practice modalities in Florida?

You must determine whether the certification requirements taken in another state meet the certification requirements as required by Florida’s  Rule 64B11-4.001 Use of Prescription Devices.

What kind of paperwork do I need to submit to the Board?

There are no formal papers or certificates to be filed with the Board. You must take the 4 hours of didactic (educational) training, complete and document 5 supervised treatments. You must maintain documentation in the event you need to verify you are certified to provide services. Any occupational therapist or occupational therapy assistant who uses such electrical stimulation or an ultrasonic stimulation device must upon request of the Board, or the Department, present proof that he or she has obtained the training required.